Site Meter Peculiar Susceptibility: Mute and hardly active

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mute and hardly active

Bird Specimens, Study Skins, originally uploaded by profholtz.

The past several days, I've had the distinct feeling of being mute. I feel as though I'm giving stillbirth to words.

I haven't written anything about which I'm content in longer than I can remember.

I need to be bolstered up and ordered by something, but I'm not sure what that might be.


James said...

I googled you and read your Greek myth/rape poem! I loved it! Bolster!

Meghan Maguire Dahn said...

Thank you.

That poem is such an artifact of that time. I would write it so differently now. Sometimes it makes me cringe a bit, because there are very specific things about it with which I'm not happy, but mostly I think of it like that tattoo I got spontaneously when I was a teenager. At the time it served a direct and undeniable (slightly misguided) purpose. Now, I mostly forget it's there.

Thank you for the bolstering. And thank you for reading.

Jacob Durff said...

Hey Meghan,

I shall avoid the typical long time no... statement that people often make. Anyhow, I've got a new blog. Old blog is defunct. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to more posts from you.


A said...

My college advisor once (infamously) told a student that his senior creative writing project was "a stillborn child."

Meghan Maguire Dahn said...

Jacob - I was just thinking of you!

Abby - I'm happy to know that I am as harsh with myself and my writing projects as your advisor was with his advisees.