Site Meter Peculiar Susceptibility: Sometimes you just need to kill it by force feeding it white meals.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sometimes you just need to kill it by force feeding it white meals.

So, I'm scared of writing fiction. As the lovely and honest Abigail Ohlheiser pointed out to me a couple years ago, I am exposition-avoidant. I don't use it in conversation. I don't use it in writing. I also don't talk like most other people I know, which makes it challenging to construct convincing dialogue.

But when Brian Cook and I decided to make a vintage design and cooking project, it occurred to me that a period-appropriate story might fit well. So I tried.

And where better to start, I figured, than a story about murder by scurvy? Here it is.


Meghan Maguire Dahn said...

I should figure out carriage returns at some point.

mutterhals said...

I felt the same way for a long time. People would encourage me to give it a shot and I insisted that I sucked at it. But now I think I'm actually better at fiction than what I used to do, which was a lot of polemical stuff.